Holidays can be so special for kids, and they’re a great way to create memories with them! Looking forward to the little days like this make motherhood so much more enjoyable! Here are my tips on creating a super simple, affordable and special Valentine’s Day for your family!

1. The Gift

Creating memories for kids can be so simple! I threw this entire box together for less than $20 from Hobby Lobby, and a balloon from the grocery store.

  • Box: I reccomend something that can be reused year after year, similar to an Easter basket. (Saves you money) and eventually the kids will know what to expect and get excited to see what is in their basket!
  • Stuffed Animal: You can find inexpensive and adorable Valentine’s animals at Hobby Lobby , Walmart, or Amazon!
  • Treat: I grabbed some M&Ms and Dove Chocolate for our little girl (on sale for the Holiday of course!)
  • Toy: Hobby lobby has a few Valentine’s Day themed toys. I grabbed their tic tac toe game that was $3!

2. Balloon

Balloons are such a favorite for kids! All occasions deserve a balloon in this house. They’re fairly inexpensive at the grocery store – and even better if you can grab one from a dollar store. For kids they double as a toy and a decoration!


3. Decoration

I am really simple-minded when it comes to this. I don’t suggest going all out for the smaller holidays, because it’s more expensive, more work, and more clutter. 

I grabbed this $2 table runner to throw right on top of our existing one and voila! Done!



4. Food

Again, I am not into doing ALL the things. Keep life simple! I promise your kids will be okay without having heart-shaped every single thing…

For us we are going to have a fan favorite in our home – cinnamon rolls. I get up early in the morning and make them completely from scratch, but only make them when there is a special occasion. This keeps the family excited about them and it keeps it easier on me!

Homemade chocolate cookies with a heart-shaped cookie dough cutter are also an easy treat to make if you aren’t into waking up super early to make cinnamon rolls. They are easy to throw together the night before and bake in the morning. Plus, you can even have your kids help!

And, to give everyone something a special treat, we are doing chocolate covered strawberries after dinner. That’s it!

* Recipe Blog coming soon for my homemade cinnamon rolls!